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Lamborghini Urus Unlocks Highest Motorable Road in the World

12 Octubre 2021
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Lamborghini Super SUV Urus made history by unlocking Umling La, the highest motorable road in the world.

Umling La is a mountain pass in Ladakh, India—unwinding for 86km at a whopping height of 19,300ft, the road is an incredibly remarkable feat of engineering. It was only fitting, then, that we reciprocate with a remarkable feat of automotive, having the Urus charting it twice on October 8th and 9th.


“A proud moment indeed for us as Lamborghini unlocks the pinnacle with the highest motorable road in the world,” says Mr. Sharad Agarwal, Head of Lamborghini India. “I would like to congratulate the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) and its team as they have achieved an unimaginable task.”

Lamborghini Super SUV Urus is the first Super Sport Utility Vehicle in the world that combines the soul of a super sports car with the functionality of an SUV. It has now demonstrated that it truly does conquer any terrain—from track to sand, from ice to gravel. All the way to the top of the world.


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Valores ahorro de carburante del Urus*: Ahorro de carburante combinado: 14 MPG; EPA