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Lamborghini’s photo project “With Italy, For Italy” heads south

29 сентября 2020

With its different perspectives of Italy’s excellence and beauty, Lamborghini’s “With Italy, For Italy” project is ready to take you on an extraordinary photographic voyage. The creative brilliance of 21 top photographers, the splendor of Italy’s 20 regions and the peerless style and power of 20 unique Lamborghini models combine to create a unique initiative and a positive signal of rebirth following the Covid-19 emergency.

Our journey begins in Sardinia, where the photographer Davide De Martis takes us on a breathtaking drive in an icon of classic style, the Lamborghini Miura. From the Emerald Coast, through heart-in-mouth landscapes to a sunset in Alghero and then onto Lake Coghinas, the colored streets of Bosa and past undulating dunes to the city of Cagliari, this experience fulfills De Martis’ aim to “make the Miura’s contours and tones interact with the hues and faces of these locations to create a total harmony of light, shade and color.”

Our tour then continues to Sicily with a special shoot by the photographer Stefano Guindani, featuring a red Lamborghini Urus. This adventure begins on the slopes of Mount Etna, and after a brief stopover in Taormina, it continues towards Catania, pausing to enjoy the ceramics in Caltagirone and then onto Marzamemi. Guindani then takes us to Siracusa, Ragusa, and Modica, and passes through Scicli, Marsala and Segesta before reaching the magnificent ruins of Agrigento. As Guindani says, “Sicily is history, color and fragrance. It puts all your senses to the test, and that’s why I wanted to interpret it with the Lamborghini Urus.”

Having crossed to the mainland, we then cruise through Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Molise and Basilicata to savor more great drives and spectacular views. These bring us to the end of the first Southern stage of our Italian tour, but there is more exceptional beauty to come in the next episode of this exciting adventure.

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